Call for volunteers: CAUBO conference

McMaster University will host the 70th annual conference of the Canadian Association of University Business Officers (CAUBO). This year’s theme is “All the Right Moves”.

When: Saturday June 15th to Tuesday June 18th, 2013
Where: Hamilton Convention Centre, with some social events taking place on campus.

The CAUBO organizing committee is looking for volunteers to assist them with the conference, which will see hundreds of senior university administrators plus sponsors from the corporate sector.

To learn more about the conference, watch this video.

Conference details are here.

The presence and participation of a volunteer is a critical part of this conference success. You can choose to volunteer for a number of positions and events that are happening during the day as well as in the evening. One example is if you volunteered for the Farewell event on a Tuesday night at the DBAC, you will be required to greet the delegates as they arrive, give them directions to the event and answer general questions.

If you are interested in volunteering please click on the Volunteer registration link.

If you know of someone who would like to volunteer please forward this email. We ask that managers and supervisors encourage their staff to help in making this a successful conference through volunteering.

We thank you for your interest and welcome your assistance in making this conference a world class event. If you have any questions, please reply to