Wilderness or robots?

[img_inline align=”right” src=”http://padnws01.mcmaster.ca/images/leap3.jpg” caption=”Participants of the new engineering enrichment camp will build projects like the one displayed by this team of students.”]Work on a tan or build a robot? Or, maybe, design a car or an aircraft instead.
These are two of the main activities Grade 11 and 12 students interested in science and engineering can undertake as part of a new summer engineering enrichment camp launched by McMaster's Faculty of Engineering.
“We're seeing more students looking to pursue their interest in science and engineering rather than camping in the wilderness,” said Peter Smith, associate dean of engineering. “These students find satisfaction in building things and understanding how things work. We're providing a way for them to pursue their interests, develop their skills and enrich their learning.”
The Learning Enrichment Advancement Program (L.E.A.P.) is a four-week intensive program for top high-school students who have a strong academic record and who excel in science or engineering. The program runs from July 3 to 29, 2005 and costs $834.60 for the day program and $2,312.68 if they choose to stay on campus.
“Students will work with professors, graduate students and undergraduates in state-of-the-art research laboratories,” said Smith. “A learning enrichment program like this can be much more memorable and rewarding for young people with a passion for innovation and discovery.”
L.E.A.P. combines lectures, design projects and laboratory experiments and is held in Faculty of Engineering facilities. Depending on the project, students may work with Computer Aided Design and rapid-prototyping machines or with microprocessor-equipped robots and ultrasonic and laser sensors. Each member of the team building the best robot and designing the best car or aircraft will receive a $3,000 entrance scholarship.
More information about L.E.A.P. can be found at http://leap.mcmaster.ca or by calling 905-525-9140, ext. 24906. Limited financial aid is available for students in need.