Why does almost everything on campus have a maroon tag on it?

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Admit it: you’re a little curious.

Why, exactly, are so many things on campus marked with a maroon tag?

Are we having a sale?

The tags are actually the work of McMaster’s Alumni Association, which each year places them on items and near places that were made possible by donor giving.

These include the new statue of founder William McMaster, the David Braley Athletic Centre and the Student Centre (as well as many places inside).

The sheer number of maroon tags around campus are an indicator of McMaster’s high level of donor support.

The campaign coincides with National Philanthropy Day, Nov. 15.

This year’s campaign includes a social media twist: the Alumni Association is asking students to tweet and Instagram photos of the tags in their favourite spots on campus using #MacTagDay.

Those who do will be entered into a draw to win a $50 gift card, or a grand prize of free textbooks for second semester (up to $500 from the Campus Store).

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