What does peace mean to you, McMaster?


Beginning Monday, Diversity Services will be collaborating with Humans of McMaster on a week-long photo project called People of Peace.

Volunteer photographer Ashleigh Patterson will be patrolling campus until Friday, snapping photos of students and collecting responses to a deceptively simple question — what does peace mean to you?

Participants can offer a few words on the subject, or share a detailed personal experience with the McMaster community.

“Peace-building is a complex process,” said Sarah Quayyum, People of Peace project coordinator and director of MSU Diversity Services. “However, the first step is mindful discussion and reflection, which we hope to foster through this campaign.”

All of the photos and captions will be featured on the Humans of McMaster Facebook page, and shared on Diversity Services’ social media channels.

Ultimately, Quayyum wants to spark new conversations about peace, and have students think about the various ways they can contribute to promoting and ensuring peace though their day-to-day activities.

Can’t locate the photographer? Interested parties can also submit a photo and accompanying text to diversity@msu.admin.mcmaster.ca.

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