Want to feel better? Listen to pop music


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An analysis of U2, one of the most commercially successful and influential bands of all
time, suggests music can play an important role in bettering the health of individuals
and society as a whole.

In an article published in the journal Health & Place, Gavin Andrews, a professor in the
Department of Health, Aging & Society at McMaster University explores mechanisms
ranging from the band's direct activism and celebrity diplomacy to its music that
promotes health causes, or is otherwise used by listeners to enhance their wellbeing
on an everyday basis.

“Some celebrities such as Bono are becoming de facto new public intellectuals, among
the few people who seem able to effectively deliver messages and challenge large
audiences. Yet few popular celebrities have the training to engage with issues in the
detailed manner typical of academics and policymakers,” says Andrews.

“On another level, attempts to create healing places in and around music have always
been part of musical composition and consumption whether it be music by Mozart or
by a rock band such as U2. In this sense, the music does not have to openly mention
health, but wellbeing can result from its consumption,” he says.

Andrews's work on U2 is only the start of a much larger project on music and health
with colleagues in New Zealand and British Columbia.

They are currently working with other academics on a wide range of topics including
music therapy programs, technologies, music personalities, specific genres and
identities including Indie, Punk and Reggae, and other bands such as The Smiths
and Oasis.


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