Used good, puddles bad and other textbook tips from Titles


[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”When is the best time to visit Titles? Are used books just as good as new? Titles Bookstore offers 7 tips for buying texts during the first week of winter semester.”]It's the start of the second semester, and that means two things: walking quickly
between classes to avoid sub-zero temperatures and picking up a new set of textbooks.

While not much can be done about the former, Titles Bookstore offers these tips to help
you with the latter.

1. Wait until your first class to buy your books

Your instructor will give you a syllabus of what course materials are required in your
first class. This is a perfect time to ask questions about exactly what is required and
what is optional. You may also meet someone who would be willing to share books. If
you're going to wait to buy your books, however, know that Titles Bookstore begins to
send textbooks back to the publishers at the end of midterms.

2. Buy used when you can…

If you can, buy used books. You'll save money, and as long as the book is being used
next semester you can sell a twice-used book back for the exact same price as a once-
used book.

3. …but be careful when doing so

Beware of outdated, unusable editions of textbooks, as well as incomplete book
packages. To ensure that you're not buying overpriced course materials, you can visit
the wsgm=coursematerial “>book list printed out before you visit the store. This
makes it easier for Bookstore staff to answer any questions you may have once you're

6. Know where your books are

First-year and Centre for Continuing Education textbooks are located in the textbook
room of Titles Bookstore, which is only accessible through the doors at the back of the
store. If you are looking for clothing, computers or supplies, you may enter through any

Upper-year books are at the Tank, MBA books are located at the Ron Joyce Centre,
Continuing Education books will also be available at the Downtown Centre on the first
day of class, and health sciences books are located in the Health Sciences Bookstore.

7. Keep your books in good condition until you're sure you'll keep them

Once you damage a book it is considered used and cannot be returned. Avoid
highlighting, dog-earing, and dropping your books into puddles. The last day for
textbook refunds is January 14.

For more answers to questions about textbooks, courseware, iclickers, Aplia, access
codes, or the most frequently asked question of all – href=””>”Why are my
textbooks so expensive?”
visit href=””>TItles
Bookstore's FAQ page