United Way supports a variety of causes


[img_inline align=”right” src=”http://padnws01.mcmaster.ca/images/GetIntoIt edited.gif” caption=”The United Way campaign continues until Nov. 24.”]Imagine a world where you are constantly reminded of your inability to do something. Everywhere you turn, it looks you in the face and stops you from functioning independently. Imagine if this was a simple task, something we take for granted like reading.

An alarming 60 per cent of Hamiltonians read at a poor level, according to the Hamilton Literacy Council (HLC).

Hamilton resident Danny Tait knows first-hand of the positive impact the HLC has had on his life. When Danny was 19, the mere thought of leaving his home to take the bus was frightening to him because he could not read the street signs.

Once he was introduced to the HLC, he gained hope and confidence and no longer thought he was a lost cause.

Tait, now 22, is reading at a third-grade level and has developed a sense of pride in himself and his accomplishments.

“It really changed my life,” says Tait. “I went from a young man who couldn't read to a very confident person.”

The Hamilton Literacy Council is a non-profit, community-based organization that provides free basic training in reading, writing, and math to English-speaking adults. Since 1973, the HLC has been providing these services so that those who are disadvantaged can enjoy the full benefits of society.

The Hamilton Literary Council is just one of the services the United Way of Burlington & Greater Hamilton supports in this community.

On Oct. 20, McMaster University launched its annual campaign in support of the United Way. The campaign will run until Nov. 24, and has already received a great deal of support through individual donations and special events such as the Run/Walk event, DeGroote School of Business Bake Sale and the IRC Stair Climb. Students and employees of McMaster have joined their efforts to make a difference in a very worthy charity.

There are other events to look forward to in the coming weeks, such as the annual Paper Mitten campaign and Photos with Santa. For further details on these events and this year's targets and progress, please visit our website.

“The campaign is well on its way to hopefully another record year and is moving along better than expected,” says McMaster's campaign co-chair Louis Schmidt.

Schmidt shares the campaign responsibility with Lisa Boniface, who adds, “The additional support through special events hosted across campus has been instrumental in helping us to reach our goal. In addition, we are striving to send a message that the United Way is extremely valuable to many residents in Hamilton and Burlington.”

You can make a difference. Any donation received is part of the solution. Please help people to help themselves.