United Way campaign surpasses goal

After a surge of support in the last few days, the McMaster United Way campaign has
surpassed its $265,000 fundraising goal.
At the annual holiday open house on Wednesday, McMaster campaign co-chairs Ken
Cruikshank and Peter Self presented the United Way of Burlington and Greater Hamilton
with a cheque for $270,436.79, a record donation from the McMaster campaign.
“During the holiday season, our thoughts turn to those members of the community who
need our assistance and support. Members of the McMaster community demonstrated
compassion and care through their support of the United Way this year,” Self said after
the announcement.
McMaster faculty, staff and students got involved in several events throughout the 2011
campaign, including the annual silent auction, Hat's Off to the United Way, a football
game fundraiser and bake sales on campus and at the Ron Joyce Centre. Others
volunteered their time or services, and some gave through payroll deduction or dropped
change into coin boxes provided by Hospitality Services.
“Every dollar matters. Every dollar contributed to this, the largest McMaster contribution
to the United Way ever,” said Cruikshank. “It matters because we began this campaign
by pledging to help the people in our communities, to take individuals and families
from poverty to possibility, to strengthen and build healthy neighbourhoods and to help
all children live up to their full potential. Our contribution will make a difference.”
The money raised through the McMaster workplace campaign will augment the money
raised through the 2011 United Way community campaign, themed “Change starts
“This is a great result. The United Way campaign is one of the many ways in which our
university community shows its commitment to playing a significant role in the
neighbourhoods in which we live and work,” said Patrick Deane, McMaster's President.
The United Way of Burlington and Greater Hamilton funds 133
href=”http://www.workingatmcmaster.ca/uway/youtube/index.php”>programs and
services in Hamilton and Burlington delivered by 73 agencies. One in three local
residents will be assisted by a United Way agency this year and 90 per cent will benefit
from these services at some point in their life.
“With the needs in Hamilton and Burlington growing each year, we are incredibly excited
to have exceeded our goal for this year's campaign,” said student co-chair Matthew
Dillon-Leitch, president of the McMaster Students Union.
“I am so proud to be part of the McMaster United Way campaign,” said Catherine
Crawford, campaign committee facilitator. “Our campaign team involved more faculty
and staff than ever before. Thanks to all the staff, faculty, students and retirees who
helped us exceed our goal.”
For more information on the campaign, or to give to the United Way, href=”http://www.workingatmcmaster.ca/uway/”>click here.