United, McMaster’s way


[img_inline align=”right” src=”http://padnws01.mcmaster.ca/images/UWaylogo.jpg” caption=”United Way”]Running five kilometers or walking two — either way will shorten the distance to McMaster's $175,000 United Way campaign goal.

On Friday, Nov. 5, McMaster employees are invited to a run/walk event for United Way. The event, from 3 to 5 p.m., will start outside the McMaster University Student Centre (MUSC), in front of Mills Library, and will wind through campus. Awards and prizes will be given out after the run/walk in the MUSC marketplace.

“The goal of the event is to raise the profile of United Way through the participation, support, commitment and spirit of the McMaster community,” says McMaster President Peter George, co-chair of this year's United Way of Burlington and Greater Hamilton campaign. “By maximizing students, staff, faculty, and retirees participation in an on-campus fundraising event, the McMaster community will help United Way achieve its goal: to help the citizens in Burlington and Hamilton meet their basic needs.”

So far, the run/walk has drawn volunteers from across campus, including the McMaster Employee Spirit Society, Healthy Workplace Group, Human Resources Services, Security Services, Graduate Students Association, Retirees' Association, Working at McMaster, Athletics and Recreation and the McMaster Students Union. As well, the varsity cross-country team has adopted this event to fulfill their commitment to community outreach.

Registration will take place in the McMaster University Student Centre Marketplace at 2:30 p.m. on the day of the event, or online at http://www.athrec.mcmaster.ca/econnect/Activities/ActivitiesCourseDetails.asp?cid=6931. The registration fee is a donation of $20 or $10 for students. All proceeds will benefit the United Way. A tax receipt can be issued for the $20 donation to register.

To register online you need to have been registered in an Athletics and Recreation program in the last five years and your e-mail address must be in its database. To register, go to the Working @ McMaster Web site at http://www.workingatmcmaster.ca/uway and click the “Register with Athletics and Recreation online for the 5K Run or 2K walk” located on the left side of the screen and follow the instructions. You must also have a VISA or Mastercard.

If you do not have the above, you can download the Athletics and
Recreation form on the Working @ McMaster Web site at
http://www.workingatmcmaster.ca/uway On the Working @ McMaster Web site, click the “Download and complete this form to register for the November 5, 5km Run and 2km Walk” located on the left side of the screen, and then fax the form to 905-777-0126 or drop it off at the Department of Athletics and Recreation, Ivor Wynne Centre, Rm. 219A.

An early bird draw will take place for those who register by Nov. 1. Other prizes will be awarded to the department with the greatest number of participants, the team to show the greatest spirit and the overall male/female for the run/walk.

“The McMaster community has always been a strong supporter of the United Way and its efforts to improve the quality of life in our community,” says Dorothy Pawluch, who co-chairs the McMaster campaign with Mary Lynn Taylor. “Last year alone we raised over $160,000.”

McMaster also boasted more than 50 “leaders” last year — individuals who contributed $1,000 or more to the United Way.

“As we embark on the 2004 McMaster United Way Campaign, we want to thank those of you who have contributed so generously in the past and encourage you to continue to support the United Way and its good work,” Taylor says. “We urge those of you who have not contributed to consider doing so. Give what you can, but please give. No amount is too small. Your contribution does make a difference.”

For the first time, employees will be able to complete pledge cards online at http://www.workingatmcmaster.ca/uway. Visit this site for more information on how to make and direct your contribution. Payroll deductions will begin in January of 2005.

This year's campus campaign runs from Nov. 1 to 26. Those who return their pledge cards before Nov. 19 will be eligible for weekly early bird draws — gift certificates for Westdale's 1010 Bistro.

For more information about the United Way, the community agencies it supports or the difference that United Way support has made in the lives of individuals in our community, visit the United Way site at www.uwaybh.ca.