Umbilical cords, debunked celebrity advice and ‘cockpit culture’


McMaster is known for making a positive impact on the local, national and international stages. Each week, The Office of Public Relations highlights a few of the many McMaster stories making the news.

Expert opinion:

The New York TimesThe Globe and MailCBCCBS radio, and others turned to Eileen Hutton (Director of the Midwifery Education Program and Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology) for her analysis of a study into the health benefits of waiting a minute or more before clamping the umbilical cords of newborns.

CBC’s The National interviewed Dave Musson (Anesthesiology) on the potential contributions of cockpit culture to the crash of Asiana Flight 214 in San Francisco.

The Canadian Press interviewed Vic Satzewich (Sociology) about a StatsCan report on hate crimes in Canada. The story appeared in outlets including News 1130 in Vancouver and The Guelph Mercury.

The Globe and Mail talked to Ronald Barr (Pediatrics, Pathology and Medicine) for a piece on the unique challenges facing teenagers and young adults with cancer.

The Globe and Mail turned to Scott Watter (Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour) for his take on a study that looked into ways of coping with stress.

The National Post quoted Peter Vignjevic (Dermatology) in a piece that debunked some questionable advice from Gwyneth Paltrow about sun exposure.

The Hamilton Spectator tapped Manish Kacker (Marketing) to bring context to  the opening of new Target stores. talked to Gail Krantzberg (Civil Engineering) about how cities manage water from storms, in light of events in Calgary and Toronto.

900 CHML-AM interviewed Henry Jacek (Political Science) regarding the pending federal cabinet shuffle.

CTV News ChannelCHCH-TV , CJAD-AM in Montreal and Fredericton’s Daily Gleaner interviewed Manish Verma (Operations Management), while talked to Terry Flynn (Communications) on issues arising from the tragedy at Lac-Megantic.

Teaching, learning and student success: 

The Hamilton Spectator published a story about the MITACS Globalink program that brings undergraduates from international universities to work with McMaster faculty members representing a wide range of disciplines. The story quoted participating professor Margaret Fahnestock (Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences).


Asian News InternationalBusiness Standard, and Infection Control Today reported on research into the influence of behaviour changes on patterns of influenza outbreaks, led by David Earn, (Mathematics and Statistics, Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research).

Community engagement:

The Hamilton Spectator featured speaker Mick Bhatia (Stem Cell and Cancer Research Institute) in its coverage of the annual conference of the Centre for Surgical Innovation and Invention.

Feature story:

The Hamilton Spectator published an obituary following the sudden death of Brian McCarry (Chemistry, Biology) in Iceland.