Transport minister meets with McMaster transportation experts

Researchers at the McMaster Institute for Transportation and Logistics shared their expertise in supply chain resilience with Canada’s minister of transport.
Researchers at the McMaster Institute for Transportation & Logistics (MITL) welcomed federal Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra to their facilities at McMaster Innovation Park on Wednesday.
MITL conducts applied research in transportation and logistics and builds partnerships to improve the movement of goods and people.
The COVID-19 pandemic brought the importance of supply chain resilience and fluidity to the forefront, and researchers were eager to contribute their expertise to national policymaking.
“Our team appreciated the opportunity to share some of our work and insights with the Minister,” said MITL director and civil engineering professor Saiedeh Razavi.
“We are looking forward to continuing the conversation and helping Canada build stronger, more resilient supply chains.”
Major focus areas for MITL researchers — whose partners include major automotive manufacturers, utilities and retailers — have focused on the complexity and fluidity of supply chains, the need to break down silos, system fragility in the event of major disruptions and strategies that can improve flexibility in times of uncertainty.

Their work helps underscore the value of Canada’s Global Nexus for Pandemics & Biological Threats, which brings together interdisciplinary experts, cross-sector players and leaders, and is positioned to serve as a global link to Canada’s innovation and assets in this area. Its goals are to enhance society’s response, resilience and readiness to effectively deal with the next pandemic.
The minister also met with McMaster students to hear how recent investments in the federal fall economic statement related to student debt forgiveness are benefiting them. He was joined by Hamilton MPs Chad Collins and Lisa Hepfner.