Top scholars join pursuit of excellence

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Provost Ken Norrie chats with Provost Honour Roll 2003-2004 recipients Daniel Laycock and Hitesh Bhanabhai in Convocation Hall. Photo credit: Ron Sheffler”]Exceptional. Illustrious. Ambassador. These were some of the terms used last night to describe the nearly 100 McMaster scholars honoured by President Peter George and provost Ken Norrie.
Listening to the rationale behind why 85 recipients were presented President's Entrance Awards and why 14 were inducted into the Provost's Honour Roll, these terms are evident.
“It was one year ago, at last year's reception for President's Entrance Award recipients, that I first learned of the prestigious Provost Honour Roll,” says second-year commerce student Peter Martorelli, who last year received a President's Award, and this year was inducted into the Provost's Honour Roll. “With a lot of hard work and a little bit of luck, I was fortunate to merit the necessary 12.0 GPA in my first year at McMaster.”
Like the 14 other inductees, Martorelli required a 12.0 average on a minimum of 30 completed units to be placed on this list.
As a “double cohort” student, Martorelli admits it was a difficult task. “My grade was the first to be exposed to the new four-year curriculum,” he says. “I embraced the challenge and was constantly striving for the top of the Honour Roll.”
Martorelli, whose other achievements includes a Governor General's Bronze Medal for the highest academic standing in his high school graduating class, intends to pursue graduate studies and then apply to law school. His dream job is to be an agent for professional athletes.
In addition to the 14 Provost Honour Roll recipients, McMaster presented 85 students with President's Entrance Awards. These recipients are a select group of young scholars who achieved averages of 95 per cent or more in their final year of high school. The awards are renewable in the second year provided that students achieve Dean's Honour List (about 80 per cent) in their first year of full-time study.
“Today, as we celebrate your success, I invite each and every one of you to join with us in the pursuit of excellence,” said President Peter George, who congratulated the recipients of the President's Awards. “Together, we will continue to build a great university.”
Norrie congratulated the Provost Honour Roll inductees. “You make me feel proud to be part of McMaster University. You're exceptional role models. Look at what you've accomplished. You've taken your place among the best of our best,” he said. “This is a milestone in your lives. It took hard work and sacrifice to get here. You've shown you have what it takes to succeed.”
Achieving the Provost Honour Roll has been a goal of fourth-year honours kinesiology student Jonathan Little since his first year.
“In years one and two I fell just short of this honour, but continued to pursue my goal to achieve it in third year,” he says. “I see it as the ultimate academic honour at McMaster and am striving to achieve it again in my final year.”
Little is also a teaching assistant for a first-year anatomy and physiology course and is involved in research with the exercise research group in the Department of Kinesiology. In addition, he is captain of the McMaster Marauders varsity cross-country and middle distance track teams and a member of the McMaster Athletic Council Executive. With this council, he runs a tutoring program for first-year student athletes. He plans to complete a Master of Science and PhD in the hopes of starting a career as a researcher and professor.
Middle photo: President Peter George and McMaster psychology professor Dick Day chat with President's Award recipients. Bottom photo: Provost Ken Norrie congratulates Jonathan Little, Provost Honour Roll recipient. Photo credit: Ron ShefflerPhoto credit: Ron Sheffler.