Titles Bookstore begins new chapter as ‘Campus Store’

Ready to roll. Campus Store staff (from left) Nicole Harding, Daniel Johnston and Katelyn Granger. The brand new 'one-stop' retail outlet will replace Titles Bookstore, and offer many enhanced and streamlined services.
Titles Bookstore will now be known as the McMaster Campus Store — a one-stop shop where customers can find many of the products and services they require for campus life.
“The traditional book industry is changing, and we are adapting along with it by expanding our merchandise selection and introducing new product lines. The name ‘Titles Bookstore’ is no longer an accurate reflection of what we offer the community,” says Donna Shapiro, director, Campus Store.
Along with the new name, an expansion and renovation of the central Gilmour Hall location will begin mid-May, and is expected to be completed in July. The additional space will be used to bring course materials up from their current location in the Tank, which will be converted into warehouse space. The move will eliminate the need for the store’s current off-campus warehouse.
“One of the most exciting things for us at the Campus Store is the consolidation of course materials into one central location,” says Shapiro. “Any student who has ever waited for a ‘Tank run’ (a frantic dash when the Tank is closed, and store staff run downstairs to grab an item) will be able to appreciate the convenience of having all of the books and staff readily accessible.”
The Health Sciences Bookstore is also undergoing some changes. Widely known on campus as the “Media Shop,” the Health Sciences Bookstore will also be making an official name change to “Campus Store, Health Sciences,” and will continue to meet the unique needs of health sciences students and staff.
Upcoming renovations are the first phase of a two-year plan that also includes the addition of a new exterior entrance to the textbook area, and a wheelchair-accessible ramp at the front of the store. Construction of the new entrances is scheduled to commence next spring.
The McMaster Bookstore has a rich and colourful history on campus. Founded in 1931, staff have overseen a number of notable transformations over the years, including: relocating from Hamilton Hall to Gilmour Hall in the 1960s; opening the Tank as a retail space in the 1970s; adding the Health Sciences location in the 1980s; and changing the name to Titles Bookstore in the early 1990s.
While many changes are taking place at both Campus Store locations this summer, serving the McMaster community and providing course material remains at the heart of the Campus Store’s business. All contact, web and social media information remains the same.
Customers are encouraged to email comments, questions and input to campusstore@mcmaster.ca.