Tag Day celebrates the spirit of giving at McMaster

tag day

Senior Class Gift committee member Chris Wang was spotted 'tagging' the McMaster campus last week. Each year, Tag Day recognizes the various spaces and resources at the University that benefit from donations.

Members of the McMaster community have likely noticed a series of red tags hanging around campus this week. That’s because Friday, Nov. 15 is Tag Day.

Each November, hundreds of red tags are placed around campus to mark the spaces and resources that have been made possible through donations. These donations are made by students, alumni, friends, faculty and staff, and ultimately help McMaster thrive as a world-class institution of teaching and learning.

Without the ongoing support of McMaster’s dedicated donor base, the McMaster campus would look quite different today.

As you walk through the Student Centre to work or class, exercise in the David Braley Athletic Centre or browse the collection in one of McMaster’s libraries this week, take note of the red tags adorning various objects, landmarks and resources around the University.

Try to imagine what the campus would be like without them.

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