Students ‘trick or eat’ for Hamilton Food Share


[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Students Mark Sokolsky, Patrick Egit and Andre Oliveira gather around some of the food collected during the annual Trick or Eat run.”]While most residence students would consider themselves too old to “trick or treat”, approximately 60 students felt the time was just right to “trick or eat”.

The third annual Trick or Eat run by Meal Exchange at McMaster took place last night. Meal Exchange is an organization that involves students from across Canada at more than 30 campuses dedicated to fighting local hunger.

Lindsay Rous and Dave D'Souza, two of McMaster's executive members, worked with approximately 20 volunteers to map out routes in the local Hamilton community and deliver empty trick or eat grocery bags and informational flyers to community member mailboxes over the weekend.

On Monday, 60 students arrived in costume and picked up their shopping cart and map and revisited those homes. The community responded with an overwhelming response rate, and 16 grocery carts of food were collected in three hours.

Executive member Lindsay Rous commented, “last year we had approximately the same number of students participate, but we have collected twice as much food this year. It is great to see the campus and local community come together to work on an important issue such as hunger.”

The food collected will go to Food Share in Hamilton where it will be distributed to local agencies that run food banks in town.

For more information about Meal Exchange programs visit