Students dramatize life during first year

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Last year during Welcome Week, IRIS 2004 presented a “]Upper-year students looking for unique leadership opportunities this summer, may be interested in welcoming more than 2,500 first-year students to McMaster this fall, through IRIS, the First Year Experience drama production.
IRIS (Inspiration, Reflection, Integrity and Success), is the First Year Experience drama production that aims to welcome new students in to their first year at McMaster University by offering a glimpse of the opportunities and challenges they or their classmates, and roommates might encounter during their first year.
Last year during Welcome Week, IRIS 2004 presented a “No Labels fashion show” with Nelly Furtado singing Powerless to a catwalk of models sporting various labels.
“In nine of the 10 performances, students were on their feet clapping and cheering about the message behind the scene,” said Michele Corbeil, co-ordinator of the First Year Transition in the First Year Experience Office. “Although there was no spoken dialogue, the scene communicated a powerful and compelling message to first-year students – 'who ever you are, where ever you come from, you belong and are welcome at McMaster University'.”
Written and produced by current McMaster students, in consultation with Student Affairs and Academic departments, IRIS 2004 used drama, humour, multi-media and music to explore academic issues such as academic integrity, time and stress management, effective study strategies and seeking assistance from TAs, professors and campus resources such as the Centre for Student Development. In addition, themes of a more personal nature were addressed such as; health and wellness, safety and security and personal choices with respect to sex, drugs and alcohol.
The vignettes and personal monologues were written over the summer by the cast and reviewed by various Student Affairs co-ordinators and managers, other campus partners as well as key people in several academic program offices. Through fictional vignettes, personal monologues, interactive theatre and the multi-media composite of first-year, students reflect on their hopes and dreams for first year.
“The production was well received by first year students and those at the University who were consulted and part of the process of identifying the issues and reviewing/editing the scripts,” said student development officer, Tracy Gammon. “IRIS is exactly what first-year students need to help ease the transition to University. I really loved the concept when we initially met as a group and I'm so happy to see that all of those ideas translated into such an incredible play. The play is presented in such a fun and entertaining way that student will absorb the message without being overwhelmed.”
Patricia Kalnins, assistant dean of humanities, agrees. “It is full of energy and lots of good ideas. I think it will a go long way to making first year students feel that they are a part of a very special community that cares about them.”
Commenting on IRIS 2004, a first-year student had this to say: “the most beneficial segment of the performance was the Fashion Show of Labels. [It]was great at getting first years to realize that McMaster and the student community are serious about stopping discrimination and accepting everyone regardless of individual factors.”
The cast, crew and director were all current students/McMaster grads with a passion for supporting first-year students in their transition and integration in to the McMaster community. In addition, participating in IRIS provided cast and crew with valuable experience in script writing, scene development, stage management and technical production. IRIS 2005 will be directed by Cindy Carey (a Mac grad) and stage managed/produced by Shalini Misir (McMaster student and IRIS 2004 cast member).
If you are interested in learning more about IRIS 2005 and how you can get involved, visit the website or contact Melina Dimson at or at ext. 26691 or Michele Corbeil at or at ext. #23865.
There is an open call for auditions/interviews on Saturday, June 4, 2005 in Chester New Hall Rm. 104. Previous drama experience is not required, just an interest in learning new skills and a passion for helping first-year students.
The First Year Experience Office is committed to creating an inclusive community. They encourage applications from all interested McMaster students, including Aboriginal students, GLBT students, students with disabilities, and students who are members of visible minority communities.