Statement from the President


During this busy time of year, the campus community often engages in a number of events and activities that some may find to be contentious or controversial. Everyone is reminded that respectful, collaborative discourse is encouraged on our campus. As outlined in our Statement on Building an Inclusive Community, a respectful community is one where freedom of expression, belief and diversity of knowledge occur in a framework of dignity, respect and public engagement.

The University is a place where respectful debate and discussion must be allowed to flourish, even when the topics under discussion are difficult or sensitive. Indeed, we all bear a responsibility to consider, discuss and respond to even the most potentially divisive issues in a thoughtful, respectful and collegial way. Civil discourse is based upon mutual respect as well as a desire to learn from others. While debate on controversial issues is inevitable and essential, it is everyone’s responsibility to do so in a manner that advances the cause of learning and mutual understanding.

The University is working, through the Perspectives on Peace initiative, to foster creative dialogues around global issues with an emphasis on peace and conflict resolution. All those organizing and participating in events are encouraged to engage with the aims of the six guiding principles of the initiative and are reminded of the shared responsibility that we all bear, as members of the academy, to uphold the core principles of academic freedom, collegiality and respect that are fundamental to McMaster.

To learn more about the Perspectives on Peace Initiative, see


Patrick Deane

President and Vice-Chancellor

March 4, 2015

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