Staff survey work team wants suggestions from staff

The McMaster staff working group that has been asked to make suggestions to improve staff involvement at McMaster is looking for ideas from staff.
“We are asking for suggestions from all members of the McMaster community, and welcome all of your thoughts and ideas,” say group members in a recent e-mail notice.
The group has defined staff involvement as “A commitment to active, meaningful participation in planning, development, staffing and decision-making at departmental and University-wide levels, with support for this participation by all members of the McMaster community.”
Staff are invited to send suggestions to
Members of the Staff Involvement Working Group are: Nora Gaskin, Mills Library; Sylvia Farrell, Hamilton Regional Cancer Centre; Marlene Loke; University Advancement; Cheryl McGill, Department of Mathematics & Statistics; Frank Millette, Physical Plant; Barb Montesanto, Hamilton Regional Cancer Centre; Keith Munro, Athletics & Recreation; Natalie Nossal, Science Co-operative Education; Pamela Overy, Bookstore; Kathy Ouellette, Mills Library; Jennifer Wesson-Howes, Building Operations.