Shape the future of McMaster’s places and spaces

Students, staff, faculty and community members are invited to share feedback on ideas for the upcoming University Master Plan, providing a vision for the future of McMaster’s locations.
McMaster’s campus and locations support teaching and learning, innovation and research, living and working, health and well-being, inclusion and a sense of community.
Over the past year, McMaster engaged with students, faculty, staff and community members to help create a vision for the future development of McMaster’s campus and locations.
We want to learn even more. A new survey is available online for students, faculty and staff and a drop-in event in January are both opportunities for community members to provide feedback on five key ideas for the next University Master Plan. These concepts will help to shape the buildings, outdoor spaces, infrastructure and the experience of being at McMaster over the next decade.
Here are two ways to participate:
- Fill out a quick survey online. Survey closes on January 15, 2023.
- Attend our drop-in event in person:
Wednesday, January 11th 2022
Drop by any time between 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
The Marketplace, First floor, McMaster University Student Centre (MUSC)
1280 Main St W, Hamilton, ON L8S 4S4
The ideas proposed for the next University Master Plan were informed by previous feedback, and include re-imagining key entrances to campus, safe and sustainable transportation, more housing options and green spaces, and the creation of spaces to innovate and collaborate.
The engagement process has been ongoing since the summer of 2022 and involved online surveys, events, focus groups and group meetings.
The University Master Plan is expected to launch in the spring of 2023.