A safe and respectful St. Patrick’s Day

Be a good neighbour this St. Patrick’s Day: Keep gatherings small and respectful. Under the City of Hamilton’s Nuisance Party bylaw, anyone attending a disruptive party could face large fines.
Note: This article was updated on Friday, March 15 to reflect the new injunction order.
As St. Patrick’s Day approaches, McMaster University is collaborating with the City of Hamilton and Hamilton Police Service to share messaging about staying safe and being a respectful neighbour.
Under the City of Hamilton’s Nuisance Party bylaw, anyone attending a disruptive party could face large fines as enforced by the City of Hamilton and Hamilton Police Service.
On Friday, the City of Hamilton was granted an injunction order by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. Anyone found to be violating the Nuisance Party bylaw would also be contravening the court order, which could carry additional consequences. Details about the injunction order can be found on the City of Hamilton’s website.
A zero-tolerance zone, known as the University District Safety Initiative (UDSI), has also been put in place by the City of Hamilton from Thursday, March 14 at 11:59 p.m. through Sunday, March 17.
“In the recent past, St. Patrick’s Day has not been a time for large street parties, and we are hopeful for the same this year,” says Sean Van Koughnett, Associate Vice-President and Dean of Students. “However, we still want our students to prioritize safety, be good neighbours and be aware of the City of Hamilton’s zero tolerance zone over the weekend.”
McMaster is sharing messages about being a good neighbour with students in various ways, including social media.
McMaster will once again fund additional patrols by Hamilton Police officers around the university on St. Patrick’s Day, emphasizing the shared responsibility of community safety.
Students can learn more about the City of Hamilton’s Nuisance Party bylaw and University District Safety Initiative on the City’s website.