Replacement members selected for Job Rating Committee

Members of the Job Rating Committee (JRC) originally volunteered to serve for one year. Although some members of the JRC are continuing to serve until the process is complete, others have decided to return to their jobs full-time.
The Joint Job Evaluation Steering Committee (JJESC) thanks Luisa Berardi, Amber Bukata, Frank DeMaio, Julie Fairservice, Donna Marfisi, Sharon Patry and Amanda Shanks for their time, effort and dedication over this past year, as well as to those who are continuing to help as needed.
Replacement members for the Job Rating Committee include: Andrea Byrne, Denise Mirabelli, Nick Owen, Lynne Taylor and Wilf Ward. The JJESC applauds their enthusiasm and commitment for this important University initiative.
The new members have been trained and, with an augmented team, the rating is progressing as expeditiously as possible. All jobs in the MUSA bargaining unit have to be rated in this new system, so, if you and your supervisor haven't submitted the JCQ for your position, you are asked to submit it now as those who have completed and submitted their JCQ are awaiting the results. The Steering Committee continues to follow up with employees and supervisors who have not yet submitted a JCQ.
For more information, or to review past bulletins, visit the following web sites:
Should you have any questions about this initiative, e-mail