Region initiates environmental study for proposed new entrance for McMaster

The Region of Hamilton-Wentworth has initiated a class environmental assessment study for the newly proposed McMaster University/Main Street West entrance.
This study will examine how the proposed entrance is likely to impact existing and future traffic movement in the Ainslie Wood/Westdale community and recommend ways to best manage its consequences.
Predicted changes in future traffic movement will be based on long range plans for both the McMaster campus and adjacent neighbourhoods.
Chris Murray, the region's project manager, indicated that at the request of local councillors the tegion would establish a community advisory committee to help guide the study process.
“I think it's important to involve the community from the beginning so that all issues and concerns can be understood and addressed during the study process. Specifically, the committee will help guide the region in its information gathering efforts and preparation for public meetings.”
To this end, the region will involve representatives of the various area interests groups including the Ainslie Wood/Westdale Community Association, Westdale Business Improvement Area, NICHE (Neighbourhood Initiatives Concerning a Healthy Environment), local schools/college and McMaster University.