Recognizing excellence in McMaster’s graduate community

Students, faculty and staff celebrated the 15th Annual Graduate Students Recognition
Day Friday, honouring graduate students, support staff and faculty supervisors.
“McMaster's growing graduate community is filled with talented people who are making
a real impact here at McMaster and beyond,” said Allison Sekuler, associate vice-
president and Dean of Graduate Studies. “These awards provide an opportunity for us to
celebrate the accomplishments of those individuals who have make a difference and to
highlight the diversity of talent among our students, staff and supervisors.”
Nominations from across the faculties highlight the leadership, communications,
supervisory and research talents of the graduate community. Sekuler said that the
number and quality of nominations is a clear indication of the quality and level of
engagement in graduate education across campus.
Blake Butler, vice-president internal of the Graduate Students Association, said that this
year's nominations reflect the commitment that so many graduate students show, not
only to their research and their fellow students, but to the broader community as well.
“These awards are about more than academic achievement. Being involved in the
campus community, going above and beyond what's expected, stepping up as a leader
– these are the students and supervisors who we'll remember as we move forward in our
careers, and these are the people we're recognizing this year,” Butler said.
McMaster President and Vice-Chancellor Patrick Deane and Phil Wood, associate vice-
president student affairs and Dean of Students, joined Sekuler and Butler to present
awards at this year's ceremony on October 21 in Convocation Hall.
Award Winners:
The President's Award for Excellence in Graduate Supervision
Michael Boyle (Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences; Clinical Epidemiology and
Mary O'Connor (English and Cultural Studies)
The Dean's Award for Excellence in Communicating Graduate Research
Robert Cockcroft (Physics and Astronomy)
Julie Marentette (Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour)
Sarah Trimble (English and Cultural Studies)
The Dean's Award for Graduate Student Knowledge Translation & Innovation
Chitra Lalloo (Medical Science)
GSA Honour Society (A Distinguished Service Award)
Kate Williams (Neuroscience)
GSA Teaching Assistant Excellence Award
Erin Aspenlieder (English)
Xiao Shu (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
GSA Award for Contributions by Non-Academic Staff
Susan Marsh-Rollo (Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour)
Therese Quigley Award of Excellence for Graduate Student Leadership in
Michael Irvine (Mechanical Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Mary Keyes Award for Outstanding Leadership and Service to McMaster
Janet Pritchard (Medical Sciences)