Provincial government launches new student wellness helpline


Ontario is launching a new mental health helpline for university and college students, as part of its $257 million Mental Health and Addictions Strategy.

Students with concerns about student life, health or mental wellbeing can now call Good2Talk at 1-866-925-5454 — a province-wide service that operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It is a free, confidential and anonymous service that offers professional counselling, mental health information and connections to local resources.

“We want to let college and university students know they aren’t alone and that there is help,” said Brad Duguid, minister of Training, Colleges and Universities. “The new supports will help them have a healthy, productive transition to postsecondary institutions and deal with newfound independence, both on and off campus.”

Good2Talk service is delivered by Kids Help Phone, ConnexOntario, 211Ontario, the Ontario Centre for Excellence in Child and Youth Mental Health and postsecondary institutions.

Ontario is also launching a Youth Suicide Prevention Plan that will provide training, tools and funding to help communities come together to prevent youth suicides, including a unique Aboriginal approach.

Overall, the provincial government is supporting 10 new projects at colleges and universities that will improve access to high-quality mental health services and help identify mental health issues and connect students to supports faster.

Resources at McMaster: 

Students at McMaster with pressing mental health concerns can reach out to a number of on and off-campus resources.

Last month, the University also opened a new on-campus mental health resource in MUSC, the Student Wellness Education Lower Lounge or “SWELL.” Learn more about the lounge and wellness education at McMaster in the video below:

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