Progress report on new job evaluation system

As of today (Monday, April 11), the Joint Job Evaluation Steering Committee (JJESC) received Job Content Questionnaire's (JCQ) for 1,267 positions in the MUSA bargaining unit. They are still looking for JCQs from about 800 people and would like to remind employees to get their JCQ in as soon as possible as the deadline has passed.
The JJESC has spoken with a number of employees who have had questions about the completion process. They wanted to know how long it typically takes to complete a JCQ, what format to use, and how much detail to include. Many incumbents have completed their JCQ in two to four hours. It's most helpful to the Job Rating Committee (JRC) if the JCQ is done in point form and includes only the most complex examples for each question. Examples form the basis for the JCQ. Typically, three of your most complex or challenging examples are sufficient. Quality is of the utmost importance, rather than quantity.
If you are early in the process of completing your JCQ, the committee still offers facilitated sessions. Such sessions have been done where the JCQ has been completed in about two hours. If you and your supervisor are interested in such a session, contact the JJESC at
If you have completed a draft but have specific questions or you have completed your JCQ and are uncertain if it's ready to be submitted, contact the JJESC at the above e-mail address and, depending on the response, the JJESC will either hold JCQ clinics or provide individual follow-up.
The JRC meets every morning to rate jobs. Two new members have been welcomed recently to the JRC – Stan Misiak and Annette Rosati. There will now be 14 members working in three sub-committees. The JRC is working diligently to rate all jobs. They like to remind everyone that the results of the evaluations will not be released until all JCQs have been received and rated. The successful completion of this new job evaluation system depends on everyone's timely submission of their JCQ.
For more information, or to review past bulletins, visit the following Web sites: or
Should you have any questions about this initiative, e-mail
The Joint Job Evaluation Steering Committee includes:
Susan Birnie
Carmela Civitareale
John Drake
Jim Garrett
Daina Green
Heather Grigg
Marvin Gunderman
Kathy Ouellette
Rosemary Viola
Nancy Vukelich