Programming Resource Office helps residence leaders turns ideas into action

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Residence life co-ordinator Tamara Baldwin (far left), director of housing and conference services Cathie Miller (fourth from left), and PRO manager Amy Roefs (second from right) join McMaster’s five residence managers. Photo credit: Julia Thomson”]A place for residence student leaders to find supplies and inspiration opened in Moulton Hall yesterday.
A new Programming Resource Office (PRO), an initiative of the 2003-04 Residence Life Management Team, has been created for student leaders to have increased resources and support in their programming initiatives within residence.
Pictured in the accompanying photo, residence life co-ordinator Tamara Baldwin (far left), director of housing and conference services Cathie Miller (fourth from left), and PRO manager Amy Roefs (second from right) joined with McMaster's five residence managers Wednesday to celebrate the opening of the office.
“We thought the grand opening would be a great opportunity for campus partners to come and see where the community advisors work on putting these great programs together,” says Baldwin. “We designed the space to be functional yet creative, a place where the student staff could not only come to get supplies but also to get inspired.”
Located in 101 Moulton Hall, the PRO is open seven days a week, 24 hours a day to the 115 student staff who work in the residences to provide programs to students living in the buildings. The PRO is also staffed from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday by full-time program assistant Amy Roefs, who helps student staff turn their programming ideas into action by liasing with campus partners and student staff to arrange programs in the buildings.