posted on Sept. 4: TA Day 2001 features workshops to improve teaching

The Centre for Leadership in Learning presents the 21st annual TA Day tomorrow (Wednesday, Sept.5).
The day is broken into two streams with one group of seminars aimed at new teaching assistants and the other directed to experienced TAs. Topics include Using technology for effective presentations, Keeping the thesis on track and Teaching in a different culture: focus for international students.
“We want to provide some support and skills for people who are teaching as they are often the closest contact the students have,” said Erika Kustra, TA Day co-ordinator and educational consultant.
All new and returning TAs are invited to attend the day long event which features workshops in the morning and Faculty-specific meetings in the afternoon.
Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. in the Burke Science Building, room 137.
Go to for more information.