posted on Sept. 24: McMaster’s student enrolment beats targets

McMaster's student enrolment figures are exceeding the targets set for this academic year.
Registrar George Granger told Senate last week that interim figures show enrolment goals established by the enrolment management team will be met when the final tally is counted in November.
“It's very positive,” Granger said. “Full-time and part-time figures are both slightly above the approved enrolment targets. Across all programs we are very much on target.”
As of Sept. 11, there were 4,048 first-year students enrolled at the University, 223 more than the target of 3,825.
The total undergraduate enrolment figure is 13,023 compared to last year's total of 12,365.
Granger said there are also 102 nursing degree students at Mohawk and Conestoga colleges as part of the nursing consortium that are “over and above” those figures.
So far, there are 2,046 part-time undergraduate students enrolled at the University compared to 1,957 last year.
The University's total undergraduate enrolment figure is 15,069 (full and part time) compared to 14,322.
At the graduate level, students enrolled in full-time PhD programs as of Sept. 20 number 550, compared to last year's total of 532. There are 803 students enrolled in master's programs with late registrations still being processed, said John Scime, graduate registrar & secretray. Last year's final enrolment in master's programs was 730.
“We expect the final number to be well above last year's enrolment,” Scime told the Daily News.
The University's enrolment managment team is already busy working on enrolment for the 2002-03 year with a large group attending the Ontario Universities' Fair 2001 in Toronto beginning today and continuing through the weekend. The annual fair offers prospective students and their families an opportunity to meet representatives from Ontario's 19 universities.