posted on Sept. 14: Prime Minister declares National Day of Mourning

Prime Minister Jean Chretien has declared today a National Day of Mourning in honour of the memory of the victims of the U.S. disaster.
All Canadians are asked to observe three minutes of silence beginning at 12:20 p.m. today.
University President Peter George encourages the McMaster community to participate in this commemoration.
“I would encourage everyone to observe the three minute silence as a sign of respect for all those who perished and for their loved ones.”
There will be an inter-faith community service held at Wentworth House Main Lounge at noon. For more information, contact the Chaplaincy Centre at ext. 24207.
The Canadian government has set up an electronic book of condolence which is available starting today on the Government of Canada's commemoration internet site at
The City of Hamilton has also established a condolence book. Information about it can be obtained by clicking on
The Ontario government has established a book of remembrance in the St. Lawrence Lounge in the lobby of 900 Bay St., Mowat Block, Queen's Park.
Click on the Daily News story Alumni respond from New York, Washington for news from McMaster alumni living in New York and Washington.