posted on Oct. 5: CIDA and McMaster to help reduce maternal mortality in Haiti

Hamilton, Oct. 4, 2000 – Maria Minna, Canada's minister for international co-operation, and Stan Keyes, member of Parliament for Hamilton West, today announced that the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) will provide $750,000 to a project with McMaster University to help reduce maternal mortality in Haiti.
“Women losing lives while giving birth is a tragedy that must be addressed forcefully,” said minister Minna. “Unfortunately, in many developing countries, this tragedy is still a common occurrence. By supporting this McMaster University project, CIDA is once again reaffirming its commitment to promote better health care services in the developing world.”
“Today's announcement links McMaster University with the State University of Haiti in addressing this pressing health issue,” said Keyes. “With this CIDA-supported project, experts from McMaster University will be able to help health professionals in Haiti work towards reducing maternal mortality.”
The multidisciplinary team from McMaster University, led by Henry Muggah, professor of obstetrics & gynecology, along with their colleagues from Haiti, will work with a Haitian non-governmental organization, International Child Care, that operates community-based clinics throughout the country. The multi-regional, multidisciplinary partners will develop strategies to reduce the number of deaths among women during childbirth. The project enhance medical training for doctors, nurses, midwives and community health workers to better meet the needs of pregnant women and their newborn children.