posted on Oct. 25: Ovide Mercredi to speak about residential schools

Ovide Mercredi will give a talk titled “Residential Schools: Injustice, Reconciliation, Restitution and Justice” on Oct. 26 at 7:30 p.m. in HSC-1A1. Sponsored by the Centre for Peace Studies and the Department of Philosophy, this free lecture is open to the public.
Mercredi served two terms (1991-97) as national chief of the Assembly of First Nations, becoming the longest-serving national chief. He also led a team of about 60 First Nations representatives into constitutional negotiations that resulted in the Charlottetown Accord in 1992.
In 1993, Mercredi received the Thakore Foundation Award for
contributions to a disadvantaged people in keeping with Gandhian
principles of nonviolence.
As well, he became the first aboriginal person from Canada to lead an
official delegation for a federal international human rights and
democratic development institution, as an observer of human rights
conditions in Chiapas, Mexico.
Mercredi currently serves as an adviser to the national chief with the
Assembly of First Nations.