posted on Oct. 24: Redman lecturer enthralls audience

Redman lecturer Brian Greene drew large crowds to McMaster last week for two lectures he gave on Oct. 18 and 19.
Redman lecture committee chair Richard Epand reports that the lecture hall was filled to overflow capacity on both evenings and, unfortunately, a number of people had to be turned away at the door.
Epand describes the event as one of the most exciting and intellectually stimulating events held on campus. “Professor Greene gave clear and imaginative explanations about the developments in this century regarding finding a unified theory of the Universe, from Newton's gravity to Einstein's relativity to quantum mechanics to string theory.”
Epand says an enthusiastic crowd was enthralled by the superb communicator, who also deftly answered interesting questions from the audience, represented by numerous students, members of the McMaster community as well as from the general Hamilton community.