posted on Oct. 20: Name the new University Centre

September 2001 will begin an academic year very different from any previous year on campus. The University Centre, the long-awaited spiritual centre and unifying force on campus, will be open.
Student services will be centrally located and easy to find. Study spaces, meeting rooms and lounges will be available and accessible to the McMaster community. A new, tree-lined food court, and a new bar and restaurant will provide dining and entertainment to students, staff and faculty.
But before then, the University Centre will need a name. The University Centre Naming Committee has been established to help gather and recommend possible names for the new facility to the Student
Representative Assembly (SRA). Once selected, the name will be put before the Board of Governors for approval.
The University Centre Naming Committee welcomes suggestions for a building name from McMaster students, faculty, staff and alumni. Potential names should convey the role and function of the University Centre and what the centre means to the McMaster community.
Please submit your name suggestion and a brief justification for your choice by Monday, Nov. 6.
Submissions can be made via e-mail, fax or mail to:
Marc Marzotto
Hamilton Hall 406
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario
L8S 4K1
Fax: (905) 529-3208
The University Centre Naming Committee reserves the right to alter, combine or add to any of the incoming suggestions.
For more information about the University Centre, visit href=””>