posted on Nov. 9: Chancellor’s Gold Medal winner: Alisha Kassam

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Alisha Kassam”]Alisha Kassam entered her fourth year in electrical engineering this September having garnered a remarkable academic record.
She has consistently earned high marks: of the 29 courses completed to date, she has achieved an A in all except one, for which she received a B.
Even more remarkable is the fact that Kassam has, during her three years as an undergraduate, combined volunteer work, sports and leadership while maintaining her high academic average. This combination of high academic achievement and volunteering has earned her the Chancellor's Gold Medal for 2001.
The Chancellor's Gold Medal is awarded to the undergraduate student who ranks highest in scholarship, leadership and influence and has completed course requirements established by the University.
A concern for others and especially for health-related issues, is evident in Kassam's volunteer work. Since 1999, she has been a counsellor at the McMaster Student Health Education Centre, working with university students on health issues. As a counsellor, she was required to undergo intensive monthly training sessions. During the 2000-01 term, she was chair of the centre's outreach committee which has a mandate to promote health and sex awareness to students. The committee, under her leadership, held events dealing with stress, AIDS and date rape.
Kassam is founder and president of a new club on campus called Smiling Over Sickness. The club, in conjunction with the McMaster Children's Hospital, hosts weekly events designed to lift the spirits of sick children. The idea quickly caught on across campus and the organization currently has 350 members. It has held a variety of fun events such as wheelchair basketball and a head-shaving competition to gain funds and raise awareness. Hospital staff have responded favourably to the work this group is doing.
Kassam, who came to McMaster as an Ontario Scholar, has been on the Dean's Honour Roll for the past three years. She is the recipient of a number of scholarships including a Nortel Scholarship in Information Technology.
Kassam plans to become a doctor, to combine her abilities in electrical engineering with her interests in medicine. It is no surprise to learn that her primary goal is to help children.
The Chancellor's Gold Medal is awarded to the undergraduate student who ranks highest in scholarship, leadership and influence and has completed course requirements established by the University.