posted on Nov. 6: Engineering and the Human Genome Project

The graduate student steering committee of McMaster University's Department
of Electrical & Computer Engineering is pleased to announce the second
lecture of the Distinguished Lecturer Series in Information Technology.
Pasika, a McMaster alumnus and senior project leader at Applied Biosystems,
San Francisco, CA., will speak on Computational Tools in Genomic Research:
Interdisciplinary Methods for Biological Discovery.
Pasika's talk, at 2:30 p.m. today in HSC-1A6, will be
interdisciplinary in nature and targeted for a broad audience. It will
address the role of engineering in the human genome project.
series' focus is on talks of a broad interest to the engineering community.
Six internationally recognized speakers are invited to McMaster University
between the months of September 2001 to March 2002.
Speakers have been
chosen from the private sector, academia and government, speaking on a wide
variety of topics.