posted on May 8: Divinity College will confer 34 degrees tonight

Divinity College will confer degrees to 34 new graduates at its Convocation this evening at 8 p.m. in Convocation Hall. The ceremony is the first of eight Convocations that McMaster will hold this spring.
Degrees will be conferred for Doctor of Ministry, Master of Divinity, Master of Religious Education, Master of Theological Studies and Master of Theology. Certificates will be awarded for the Diploma in
Ministry and Certificate in Christian Studies. Honorary Doctor of Divinity (DD)degrees will be awarded to Theodor Angelov and Rick Tobias.
Honorary Degree Recipients
Theodor Angelov (DD) is a biochemist who has been general secretary of the European Baptist Federation since 1999. Prior to his appointment, he was the president of the federation. Since 1992 he has been pastor of Sofia Baptist Church and president of the Bulgarian Baptist Union. From 1970 until 1992, Angelov was a research scientist at the Institute of Microbiology and then the Institute of Biotechnology.
Rick Tobias(DD) has plenty of international experience but he is equally well known at home for his extensive lectures on the issue of poverty in Canada, the urban ministry and youth at risk. Tobias was the first chair of the Street Level conference for Christian street workers, which drew national attention to issues of life on the street. In 1983 he came to Toronto as co-ordinator of Evergreen at Yonge Street Mission, which he refoucsed on street youth. In 1989 he became the mission's executive director.