Posted on May 28: Town hall meeting to outline Refining Directions


The community is invited to a town hall meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) on Refining Directions, McMaster's strategic plan that will guide the growth and development of the University over the next five to 10 years.

The meeting will take place Tuesday, June 1 at St. Mary's High School (200 Whitney Ave. Hamilton) from 7 to 9 p.m.

The meeting will provide an overview of Refining Directions and its implementation process. A panel of community representatives will participate in the program and help respond to inquiries.

“A continued commitment to a planning culture has helped McMaster advance its stature as one of Canada's premier universities,” says Ken Norrie, provost and vice-president academic at McMaster. “I look forward to sharing this information with you, discussing the important relationships between the University and the surrounding community and welcoming your questions, comments and input to this important process.”

Copies of Refining Directions will be available at the meeting. The document is also available online at