Posted on May 18: BioSummit2004@McMaster

The biotechnology and biosciences sector in the Golden Horseshoe region continues to grow and mature, with wide-ranging activity in industry and on research campuses throughout the area.
On Wednesday, May 19, McMaster University will be the site of the Golden Horseshoe region's second Biosciences Innovation Summit, an excellent networking opportunity for the biosciences research and business communities.
The idea of holding a BioSummit for the Golden Horseshoe region comes as a result of the province's Biotechnology Cluster Innovation Program (BCIP), whose goal is to “accelerate the development of Ontario's biotechnology clusters by supporting commercialization infrastructure projects such as research parks and other initiatives that promote entrepreneurship and innovation.”
McMaster University has been actively involved in developing a regional biotechnology cluster strategy and has partnered with the City of Hamilton, Halton Region, Niagara Region, Hamilton Health Sciences and Brock University to form the Golden Horseshoe Biosciences Network (GHBN).
The mandate of the GHBN is to establish a strong and thriving environment for growth and investment in biosciences and biotechnology in the region by providing forums and opportunities, such as the BioSummit, for networking and dialogue among the biosciences and the associated business community.
BioSummit2004 offers a full day of sessions which will explore how to build capital, examine successful models for collaboration and how to move from lab to market. The speakers for these sessions are regional and provincial leaders in industry, academia and the investment community.
The keynote speakers for this year's BioSummit are Mary Walshok, associate vice chancellor for public programs at the University of California, San Diego who will speak on Building Regional Innovation Capacity: The San Diego Case and Doug Barber, co-founder and former CEO of Gennum Corporation and a Distinguished Professor in Residence at McMaster University, whose talk is titled Canada In R&D Intensive Commerce – A Cultural Shift.
“This event provides an opportunity for our resarchers to network with the biosciences research and business communities and to contribute to the region's biosciences cluster strategy,” says Mamdouh Shoukri, vice-president, research & international affairs.
There are still some spots available to attend the Summit. For more information or to register e-mail or call 905-525-9140 extension 26299.