Posted on May 17: New job evaluation system launched

The Joint Job Evaluation Steering Committee (JJESC), established by McMaster University and the McMaster University Staff Association (MUSA), has been working on the development of a new job evaluation tool for positions in the MUSA bargaining unit. The implementation of the new system is scheduled for June 16, 2005.
“We are pleased to announce that we have reached a significant milestone in this joint initiative,” says a JJESC bulletin released today. “The development of the new system and pilot test phase are now complete. MUSA and the University have agreed and signed off on several components including: the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ), the JCQ Instruction Manual and Sample Responses, the Job Evaluation Plan, the Factor Weightings, and the Rating Notes format.”
The JJESC has put a great deal of effort into developing the system, the bulletin says, adding several employees and supervisors have also contributed a significant amount of time into testing the new system.
The next phase of this endeavour requires the collection of job information for every job in the MUSA bargaining unit for the purposes of evaluation by the Job Rating Committee. The committee currently is organizing the distribution of the job content questionnaire (JCQ) and the JCQ instruction manual and sample responses for this purpose. Employees in the MUSA bargaining unit and their supervisors will be receiving these documents beginning next week.
Orientation sessions describing the new job evaluation system and process are planned. These sessions will take place during May, June and September at various locations on and off campus. There will be two sessions per day (10 a.m. – 12 p.m., and 2-4 p.m.). Click here for the dates, times and locations of the sessions.
“These orientation sessions are critical to the launch of the new job evaluation system and to the process of collecting accurate, complete job content information that will form the basis for the rating of jobs that will follow,” JJESC says. “You are strongly encouraged to attend. The University considers that the time away from work to attend an orientation session is paid release time. We look forward to showing you the new job evaluation system.”
For more information, to review past bulletins or to check for updates on locations of orientation sessions, visit the following Web sites: and
If you have questions about this initiative, e-mail