Posted on May 17: IT keynote an inspirational knowledge journey

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Nick Bontis”]McMaster business professor Nick Bontis provided the keynote address at today's (May 17) Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) National Informatics Conference.
The associate professor of strategy at McMaster's Michael G. DeGroote School of Business spoke on intellectual capitalism and knowledge management at CIPS, one of the largest IT professional societies in Canada. The annual conference is taking place at the Hamilton Convention Centre.
“I am extremely proud to be selected as keynote speaker for this event because this year's conference is in Hamilton and I believe that this is an outstanding opportunity for us to showcase the fantastic programs we have at the DeGroote Business School while raising its profile nationally,” Bontis says.
Bontis, rated one of McMaster's most popular professors by Maclean's magazine for the fifth year in a row, is a two-time McMaster Students Union Outstanding Business Professor of the Year Award winner. His research interests follow the ability of firms to leverage their intellectual capital through knowledge management initiatives. Tom Stewart, member of the Board of Editors of FORTUNE magazine and the editor of Harvard Business Review, recognizes him as “a pioneer and one of the world's real intellectual capital experts”. He is recognized as one of Canada's most gifted keynote speakers and his doctoral dissertation is the #1 selling thesis in Canada. He currently teaches Business Policy and Strategy to fourth-year commerce and fifth-year engineering management students as well as knowledge management to second-year MBAs.