Posted on March 29: Committee seeks feedback on University’s top job

McMaster's Committee for Recommending a President hopes broad-based feedback will help it select the best candidate to fill the Universities' top job over the next five years.
The Board of Governors and University Senate recently appointed members to the committee. It will examine the academic mission and vision, strategic leadership, fiscal management, external relationship building and strengthening of the McMaster community. McMaster President Peter George's current term concludes June 30, 2005 and he is eligible for reappointment for a third five-year term.
The process of selecting a University president is critical, says Edward Buffett, chair of the committee. “There are incredible opportunities on the horizon for the institution and as we move forward in the global economy, leadership will be a critical element in the institution's success,” he says. “McMaster must be well led to attract the best and the brightest in terms of students, research dollars and its educators.”
The committee, composed of faculty, staff, students, alumni and Board members, is contacting a broad range of individuals, both internally and externally, for their thoughts and input as it relates to the institution's needs. “We want to give everyone who wants to speak to the committee the opportunity to do so,” says Buffett.
Susan Denburg, vice-chair of the committee, agrees. “Input from all of the University's stakeholders is crucial as we look at the various aspects of the role of President,” she says. “McMaster's future growth as a leading post-secondary institution will result from a collaborative and creative approach to both internal and external challenges.”
The community is invited to provide comments until April 30, 2004. Submissions will be kept in the strictest confidence and will be destroyed at the conclusion of the Committee's work. The committee's deliberations are confidential.
Submissions or related questions can be sent by mail to Bruce Frank, secretary, Committee for Recommending a President, Gilmour Hall, Rm. 210, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4L8 905-525-9140 ext. 24337 – fax 905-526-9884 or by e-mail at