Posted on March 26: SSHRC president to visit McMaster

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Marc Renaud”]Researchers and graduate students at McMaster will have a chance to speak first-hand with the man who is leading the transformation of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
Marc Renaud, president of the SSHRC, will be at McMaster Tuesday, April 6. Renaud is travelling across the country during March and April visiting academic institutions and meeting with university stakeholders as part of SSHRC's transformation process.
The federal body, which funds research in the humanities and social sciences at universities across the country, is engaging key stakeholders in discussions to develop a new blueprint for the organization and to increase and improve dialogue between the council and its stakeholders. The council aims to expand and improve its current programs and adopt new structures to better serve the research community over the next 25 years.
While at McMaster, Renaud will attend a town hall meeting and meet with graduate students and university representatives.
The town hall meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 6 from 2 to 3:15 p.m. in the CIBC Banquet Hall, third floor, McMaster University Student Centre. A reception will follow at 4 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Faculty Club. The reception is open to all SSHRC researchers.
Renaud will speak about the transformation process and SSHRC's future direction. His visit will provide university researchers and graduate students with direct input into the consultation process and the opportunity to bend the president's ear about issues of concern.
A new vision, mandate and structure for the council will emerge from the consultation process, which is designed to rejuvenate the organization and strengthen understanding of the importance of public investment in the humanities and social sciences.
“We hope the McMaster community will attend the town hall meeting to show its interest in this comprehensive consultation process during the transformation initiative. This is a great opportunity to participate in a policy process which, we hope, will ultimately enhance the research environment for researchers and graduate students in the humanities and social sciences. The council's programs for the next 25 years will be influenced by our engagement and participation in the consultations today,” says Geoffrey Rockwell, who is leading the McMaster-SSHRC Transformation-Consultation Process.
What: Town Hall meeting with SSHRC president Marc Renaud
When: Tuesday, April 6
Time: 2-3:15 p.m.
Where: CIBC Banquet Hall, third floor McMaster University Student Centre
All are welcome