Posted on March 22: Curiosity on Campus Day

Andrew Parker brims with the enthusiasm of a campus freshman as he guides a group of parents and students through the Michael G. DeGroote School of Business.
“Mr. DeGroote is a very nice man, who has given the university a lot of money,” Parker told his charges, referring to the Hamilton trucking magnate's donation last December of $105 million to the university.
A senior health sciences student, Parker was one of 60 tour guides who took about 1,100 high school students and parents through the campus on Saturday. The tours were intended to showcase the programs, amenities and physical layout of the university and hopefully convince students to come back for fall enrolment.
Similar tours were being offered at most of the major universities in the province during March break and the guides were acting as unofficial pitchmen for the home school. The tour groups were kept to no more than 15 people to allow better interaction between the guide and the visitors.
Read more in today's Hamilton Spectator.
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