posted on March 19: Faculty Association issues statement on MUSA strike

The McMaster University Faculty Association has issued the following communication to its members.
Dear MUFA Members:
The Executive of the McMaster University Faculty Association met on the 13th of March 2001 to discuss the current strike of the McMaster
University Staff Association.
We decided on the following four points:
1. We remind our members of the negotiated agreements on the rights and responsibilities of faculty/librarians during work stoppages. These can be seen at the end of this message. We urge the members of MUFA to abide by the terms of these agreements; this is the very least that we as professionals can do! Indeed we suggest that certain of the terms beextended to all McMaster employees — such as the right to refuse, without
penalty, to do a striker's work.
2. We, the Executive of the McMaster University Faculty Association,
encourage both parties to the current labour dispute to recall the
tradition of collegiality at McMaster University. Surely, as members of
the University community, we can bargain and negotiate in a spirit of
respect for the other side. There is no need for the chest thumping and
braggadocio of usual bargaining scenarios: there is too much at stake
here. Since an agreement will certainly be arrived at sooner or later, make it
3. While we acknowledge the legal right of the University administration
to cancel benefits, the restoration of those benefits to striking MUSA
members would be a positive step in rebuilding the trust and harmony that
we all so anxiously want to see return to the University community.
4. We will send this message to the local media.
Tom Davison
for the MUFA Executive
This statement is complementary to, and not a substitute for, the
statement of “Duties and Responsibilities of Faculty Members” in the Code
of Conduct for Faculty. Additional responsibilities of faculty members
who also hold administrative positions are described in the terms of
reference for these positions.
1. A faculty member has the right to respect the efforts of other
employees to secure a collective agreement.
2. A faculty member is under no obligation to carry out the duties of any
University employee engaged in a work stoppage (either a strike or a
lockout) nor shall he/she be subject to disciplinary action for failing to
do so.
3. A faculty member who chooses to assist employees on a work stoppage
by, for example, joining the picket lines or speaking on behalf of the
striking or locked out employees, shall not be sanctioned for this
4. A faculty member has a right not to cross a picket line of striking or
locked out employees. In instances where the faculty member elects to
exercise this right, and has normal scheduled duties, including the
teaching of courses, that would be affected by declining to cross a picket
line, either
(a) the faculty member has made other arrangements for carrying
out the scheduled duties, and these arrangements have been approved by the
appropriate Chair/Director; or
(b) the faculty member has a responsibility to advise the
appropriate Chair/Director as early as reasonably possible that he/she
will not be available for the scheduled duties, it being understood that,
for each day on which this occurs, the member will be deemed to have
sought and been granted a one-day leave without pay, but with fringe
5. Circumstances beyond the faculty member's control may prevent him/her
from fulfilling scheduled duties during a work stoppage. In such
circumstances, 4(a) and 4(b) above do not apply.
This statement is complementary to, and not a substitute for, the Code of
Conduct for Librarians. The purpose of this statement is to assist
librarians in understanding their rights and responsibilities in the event
of a work stoppage by other groups at McMaster.
1. This statement applies to all librarians holding an appointment as a
professional librarian, whether continuing or temporary, in the McMaster
University Library system.
2. A librarian has the right to respect the efforts of other employees to
secure a collective agreement.
3. It is expected that librarians will assist in maintaining the academic
and service mission of the Library during a work stoppage. However, a
librarian is under no obligation to carry out the duties of any University
employee engaged in a work stoppage (either a strike or a lockout) nor
shall he or she be subject to disciplinary action for failing to do so.
4. A librarian who chooses to assist employees on a work stoppage by, for
example, joining a picket line, or speaking on behalf of the striking or
locked out employees (provided that it is made clear that the librarian is
not speaking as a representative of the University or the Library) shall
not be sanctioned for this behaviour.
5. A librarian has the right not to cross a picket line of striking or
locked out employees. In instances where the librarian elects to exercise
this right, the librarian has the responsibility to advise her or his
supervisor as early as is reasonably possible that he or she will not be
available to perform his or her duties. For each day on which this
occurs, salary will not be paid, although fringe benefit coverage will
6. Circumstances beyond the librarian's control may prevent him or her
from entering the Library during a work stoppage. In such circumstances,
salary payment will not be reduced.