posted on March 14:University, MUSA teams reach agreement on picket line protocol

The University and MUSA bargaining teams reached an agreement around a picket line protocol before a motion for an injunction to limit picketing was heard in court this morning.
As a result, the University has withdrawn its motion for the injunction.
Under the agreement:
* there will be no more than a total five-minute wait** for any vehicle getting onto campus (If a lineup of vehicles goes beyond the safety points established by police then all waiting vehicles will be allowed to enter campus at one time. For example, at the Cootes Drive entrance police will not permit traffic to overflow onto Main St.)
* exceptions to the above will be made for emergency, security and medical supply vehicles, which will continue to have unimpeded access through Main Street entrance.
* residence students, if they have an ID card, and it is practicable to do so, will be allowed through immediatiely.
The agreement takes effect at 5 p.m. today, giving MUSA time to notify its members.
The agreement is binding on everyone who is on the picket line, whether MUSA members or other supporters.
The University will be monitoring very closely to ensure the agreement is enforced. It reserves the right to return to court for an injunction if the agreement is breached.
The University and MUSA also appeared today at the Ontario Labour Relations Board. The pre-hearing dealt with complaints filed by both organizations.
The Board decided it would not deal with the issues at this time, although either party could make a request for a hearing date. The University indicated it would not request a date.
** The first vehicle shall be released upon reaching the five minute maximum informational delay. When the first vehicle is released, the picket line shall remain open such that all vehicles which are in the line of vehicles at the time the line is opened shall proceed through immediately with unobstructed entry into the University campus, with no further communications between picketers and the persons in vehicles and no further information delay.