Posted on June 2: Alumni walk down memory lane

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Alumni Weekend brochure image”]This weekend, new buildings and faces will greet alumni coming back to McMaster for Alumni Weekend. But, there will be many things unchanged, such as the old charm of its buildings, wide-open green spaces and the strong sense of world-class academics and research.
Alumni will get a taste of the old and new when they come to campus June 4-6. Alumni Weekend will feature tours of campus, garden parties, an annual general meeting, class reunions and an awards ceremony.
“We're all looking forward to Alumni Weekend 2004. It's a real highlight for our alumni and for the University,” says Rod Morrison, director of alumni advancement. “We know everyone will have a wonderful time reconnecting with old friends at reunions and the
President's Luncheon; celebrating the achievements of our Alumni Gallery inductees and our Arch Award recipients; recognizing the outstanding work of our Alumni Association volunteers; and having a look at the University's newest facilities. It promises to be a great weekend for the whole McMaster community.”
The McMaster Alumni Association (MAA) will recognize the achievements of various alumni this weekend. Twelve new inductees will enter the McMaster Alumni Gallery, a forum for recognizing the achievements of graduates. Click here for a list of the new inductees. The MAA will also recognize the achievements of five recent graduates with the Arch Award. Click here for a list of the recipients.
Traditional campus tour: Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The tour starts and finishes in the foyer of the McMaster University Student Centre.
A 'humorous look at the ever changing campus': Saturday at 10:30 a.m. This will include a tour through the newly renovated Hamilton Hall.
Tour of the McMaster University Student Centre: This tour will feature a walk inside and out of the 158,000-square-foot center, that features an atrium and a fireside lounge. Advance registration required.
President's Luncheon: Saturday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the McMaster University Student Centre, CIBC Hall (third floor). McMaster President Peter George will welcome graduates from McMaster's early years (pre-1949) and the Class of 1954 back to campus to celebrate their alma mater and the anniversary of their graduation. Cost is $25 per person.
Class reunions: There will be reunions for the classes of 39, 44, 49, 54, 59, 64, and an Engineering Alumni Reunion for the classes of 64, 79 and '84 and Commerce & MBA Reunion for the classes of '74, '79 and '84. Click here for further details.
President's Garden Party: Saturday from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Tent between University Hall and Alumni Memorial Hall.
2004 Alumni Gallery Induction and McMaster Alumni Association Awards Ceremony: Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m. in Convocation Hall, University Hall, Rm. 213.
McMaster Alumni Association annual general meeting: Sunday, June 6 at 1 p.m. in the tent between University Hall and Alumni Memorial Hall.