Posted on June 1: Senate approves School for Engineering Practice

Canada's first School for Engineering Practice could be coming to McMaster. Senate approved the proposed school and two associated centres last week, with recommendation to the Board of Governors.
The school is intended to provide a focus for high-profile research and interdisciplinary education initiatives in three areas of engineering practice: engineering and public policy, engineering entrepreneurship and innovation, and engineering design. To achieve this, two associated centers are proposed, including a Centre for Engineering and Public Policy and the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. A proposed Centre for Engineering Design will be brought forward at a later date.
The school and associated centres will work with other McMaster faculties and partner institutions internationally to advance multidisciplinary research and education in engineering practice.
For more information about the proposed School for Engineering Practice and associated centers, click here.
The University already approved two master's degree programs in engineering, which are awaiting approval from the Ontario Council on Graduate Studies. These programs, a master of engineering and public policy and master of engineering entrepreneurship and innovation, will focus on providing technology professionals with the necessary mix of skills to recognize and develop new technologies, and to take those to market in a safe, efficient and environmentally sound manner. A third program, a master of engineering design will be brought forward to Senate at a future date.