Posted on July 30: Student receives prestigious business award

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Amber Gibbins”]As a business woman, Jane M. Klausman said she understood first-hand the challenges faced by young women pursuing careers in business and the importance of helping women become business leaders.
As a result of her bequest to Zonta International, out of which came the Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship Program, female students like McMaster's Amber Gibbins are on the path to success.
“It means a lot to me to be recognized by an organization that's primary objective is to advance the status of women,” says the McMaster commerce student, selected by the Zonta Club of Hamilton to receive the prestigious $600 scholarship.
Currently finishing a 12-month internship at Fujifilm, Gibbins will return to McMaster in September and hopes to graduate in May of 2005. Her goal after that is to find a job in the marketing field.
The scholarship, named after Jane M. Klausman, a professional secretary, parliamentarian and entrepreneur, support women from around the world who demonstrate outstanding potential in business-related fields.