posted on July 12: General Sciences Building’s third floor gets updated

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”General Sciences Building”]The third floor of the General Sciences Building(GS) is getting a fresh look as part of a plan to move several groups into new spaces around campus.
Project manager Joe Medeiros of physical plant said renovations to the third floor of GS began this week to receive the geography & geology people that now occupy the north wing of the Arthur Bourns Building.
Employees from the Department of Computing & Software, now relocated to T16, the former teacher's college building, previously occupied the third floor of GS.
Staff from the School of Geography & Geology have to be relocated to make room for the eight new chemistry lab facilities that will be built in early August.
Employees from the geography & geology department should be moved into GS during the first week of August.
These renovations are all part of the science and engineering Faculty expansions that began a few years ago.
The renovation to the third floor will be on a fast track, with the major part of the renovations being completed by the end of July.
The renovations to this floor include minor asbestos abatement, demolition to some interior partitions and floor tile removal, Medeiros said. New partitions, ceilings, lighting, floor tiles, mechanical upgrades and electrical systems will be installed. As well, fresh paint will be added throughout.
The replacement of the waste stacks (sanitary drains) for the building will be the most challenging part of this renovation, Medeiros said. Some of the stacks are behind drywall and masonry units that will have to be removed to gain access to the stacks. Some of this work may continue even after most of the renovations have been completed on the third floor.
Users in this building may be inconvenienced by some of this work and building occupants may notice extra noise and vibrations.
Concerns about the construction should be directed to Medeiros who can be reached by e-mail at or by phone at 905-525-9140 ext. 27789.
Bestco Construction Corp. is the general contractor for this project and will work with all the users to ensure this project runs smoothly, Medeiros said. Bestco is already on campus working on two other projects and is familiar with the University's protocol.