posted on Jan. 25: 2001 President’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching

The President's Awards demonstrate the value McMaster attaches to its educational function and recognize those who, through innovation and commitment, have significantly enhanced the quality of learning by McMaster students. All full-time and part-time faculty (including those on contract) are eligible.
There are three award categories:
The President's Award for Course or Resources Design
This award recognizes the contribution of an individual, or of a group, to education through innovation and achievement in the design of a course or program of studies, or in the design of educational materials.
The President's Award for Instruction
This award recognizes the contribution of an individual to education through innovation, achievement or continuing excellence in classroom or personal instruction.
The President's Award for Educational Leadership
This award recognizes the contributions of an individual that more generally promote excellence in teaching and learning. The contributions in question may not influence any single course or program directly but have effects well beyond the nominee's own department.
The Award
Each of the awards consists of:
– a citation of excellence and memento to be presented at the Spring Convocation;
– an honorarium in the amount of $5,000;
– an inscription of the recipient's name on McMaster's Wall of Recognition.
Nomination Procedure
Nomination forms are available in all departmental offices and from the Centre for Leadership in Learning. Nominations should be submitted by March 1, 2001 to:
Dr. J.A. Johnson
Chair of the Selection Committee
The President's Awards for Excellence in Teaching
c/o The Office of the President
Gilmour Hall, Room 238
For more information, or for assistance in preparing a nomination, contact the Centre for Leadership in Learning at ext. 24540.